Monday, June 30, 2008

48 Hours Later

I stayed home from school today so my boo boo could have some more time to heal while I was under Mommy's supervision. But actually, my chin looks pretty good. Mommy said she won't put a picture on here because that would be gross. =) But it looks better than the other scrape on my chin from Wednesday! Mommy's been trying to put liquid bandage on that one because it won't heal (since I blow spit bubbles all the time), but it doesn't seem to be working. And I rip a band-aid off in about 1 nanosecond.

Yesterday, I went to my friend Ansley's house. The daddies built a swingset, the mommies chit-chatted in the air conditioning, the doggies chased each other, and the baby girls played played played!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Rough and Tumble, Part II

Around lunchtime today, I was going totally crazy on my Cinderella chair. This is how I like to spend my day, and it's really my favorite thing to do. I like it even more now that I don't need Mommy to stand me up in front of it first. Some of you haven't seen me do this yet, so here's some pictures to show you what I do...

Well today, I misjudged the distance to the chair before I dove for it. And I hit my chin on the hard wood floor. I was pretty upset and when Mommy tipped me back to cradle and rock me, she saw blood coming from my chin. It was a lot and then she saw it in my mouth too. Turns out I had bit my lip and split open the bottom of my chin. It was right on top of another little cut I had there, so we think that's how it split open so easily. Mommy and I were both in pajamas, having a lazy day before going to Aunt Jessica's surprise party. It sure got exciting quickly!

We called Papa and he came over super fast so he could drive me and Mommy to the urgent care center. But while we were on our way, Aunt Crystal called us and said she called the urgent care centers and they all said we would have to go to the ER, because an injury on the face would require stitches from a plastic surgeon. So we drove fast like lightning to the Pediatric Emergency Room in Arnold Palmer Hospital. Daddy closed up his shop early and met us there.

I was feeling pretty fine and the bleeding had stopped. But they took us back pretty quickly and had a nurse come in to look at me. She said she thought it might not need stitches, just some glue, but she'd have the doctor come in to look. Then we kept noticing nurses outside my door. One by one they were coming in and introducing themselves, and Mommy couldn't figure out why we had so many nurses. Turns out word was spreading that I was super cute, and they all had to come in and see for themselves! It was pretty funny! They even brought me a doctor kit to play with.

I tried to play rough with Papa, but he wouldn't let me because I couldn't have gotten hurt worse. We did have fun though!

Pretty soon a doctor came in, said I didn't need stitches (good thing, cause they would have sedated me), and then all the nurses came in to hold me down so that I could have my cut glued shut. It took four nurses plus Mommy and Daddy to hold down all 26 pounds of me! But we got to leave pretty quickly, and Mommy was happy with how quick we were in and out of the ER. Good thing too, because we had to hurry home and get ready to leave for Jessica's party! We were late, but so was she, so it all worked out fine!

Mommy says I was a wonderful little girl today and she doesn't know how I do it sometimes!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Rough and Tumble!

Can you tell what kind of day I'm having? This morning I was mad because when I went to bed last night, I distinctly remember leaving Mommy's happy birthday balloon in my playroom. Then this morning, it was gone! I looked everywhere for it, but I think someone was sneaky and threw it away while I was asleep. That made me frustrated and mad, so I was hitting my head a few times during breakfast, and it gave me some bruises. Mommy was trying to block me, but she was holding my hands so I couldn't bite myself too. Then I hit it good and split it open (just a little, but enough to need a bandage!). So I leave for school, I'm there for an hour or so, and I fell on the playground! My walker got stuck at a bump in the sidewalk and down I went, scraping my nose and chin. There's even a little cut under my chin that appeared yesterday, but no one can figure out where it came from.

Mommy says tomorrow: knee pads, elbow pads, helmet, face guard.

Monday, June 23, 2008

We Made the Cut!

Mommy cut my hair last night! Well, it was actually a team effort...Mommy did the cutting, Daddy did the entertaining, Brittney did the photography, and I supplied the ridiculously long hair! Mommy and Daddy had been talking about it for a little while, and my hair had gotten so long that I was actually sitting on it. So she cut 4 whole inches off! It looks so much healthier now and it was much easier for Mommy to brush this morning, even though it's still really long!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Day at the Beach

Mommy and I went to Daytona Beach on Friday with Mommy's friend Lisa and her son Kyle. Daddy was going night fishing, so we took our own little trip! We stayed in a room with them right on the beach. I really liked looking through the floor to ceiling windows at the water down below!

I played on the beach for a couple of hours and I was pretty happy. Not too grumpy like I usually am at the beach. I was covered in sand from head to toe, so Mommy had to keep taking me to the water to rinse me off. The little tiny fishies in the water kept nipping at my toes when I was playing!

We were just about ready to go back up to the room when everyone spotted this HUGE black shadow in the water. Lisa and Kyle were out there right next to it and at first they thought it was a whale. But it turns out it was 4 manatees swimming very closely to one another. We have never heard of seeing manatees at the beach! What a treat for all the visiting people who may not have even seen a beach before, much less a manatee up close! It was NOT a treat though for the poor lady who was relaxing in the water, completely unaware that there were 4 giant manatees swimming just inches from her. She freaked out, just a little. :o)

We finally came back up to the room and got cleaned off. I had a lot of fun pulling on the curtains, blowing bubbles on the window, checking myself out in the mirrored doors, and holding my face over the air conditioning! I got to stay up late and play but when Mommy and I finally went to bed at 10:30, I was sound asleep by 10:33. And, since I am getting too big for my travel crib, I got to sleep in the big king bed with Mommy. Don't worry, Mommy surrounded me with a million pillows so I wouldn't fall!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

What Does a Piggy Say?

Mommy just bought my baby food from the grocery store. I'm a little piglet and I've even started eating more since I have been growing so much. You should have seen the look on Mommy's face when she put all the baby food away in the pantry today!

And this is only the FRONT of the completely full carousels of food! And again, this is ONE WEEK of food! Oinky oinky!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sleeping In My Big Girl Bed

I am doing really well in my big girl bed. Mommy sometimes sits with me until I fall asleep, so that I stay in the bed. But usually that only takes a few minutes, because it feels good when she rubs my back. Mommy puts pillows on the floor so that I don't get hurt if I fall, but I was waking up still IN my bed every morning! On Monday, Mommy came in to wake me up for school, and I was very close to falling little tush was hanging off the edge of the bed...

Then Tuesday morning, the next day, Mommy came in again to wake me up for school, and again she had to run for her camera...

Apparently, the pillows worked because I never woke up and Mommy never heard me roll out of bed! See, I knew I'd find a use for the silly pillow Mommy kept trying to make me use!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Watch Me Walk!

Mommy and Daddy were finally able to get some video of me taking steps today! I get very excited when I'm walking towards Mommy, but I do much better walking towards Daddy (Mommy says it's cause I love her more, but she's just kidding!). I know you'll all love the video. Mommy was so happy to finally fill in the last blank line on the "Firsts" page in my baby book! And P.S., I am sleeping fantastic in my big girl bed!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


This just in!! I took my first steps today!!!

I walked from my Mommy to my Papa, 5 whole steps! Mommy can never even get me to take ONE step without hanging on to something, let alone five! And I did it a few more times too, so it wasn't just a fluke. I really know what I'm doing! I was steady and was not falling as I was walking. In fact, I may have even gone farther if I hadn't already reached Papa!

Everyone was so excited that it freaked me out a little bit, so I'm not sure I'll do it again anytime soon. Or maybe I will. :o)

Friday, June 13, 2008

I'm a Big Girl Now!

I slept in a big girl bed last night!! I did very good, considering it was a new thing and I LOVE my crib. But I thought the big girl bed was pretty funny too. I helped Daddy unpack the bed and put the pieces together...

Then when it was all finished, I got to climb up on the bed all by myself. It was easy for me, and I did it like a pro!

I only fell off twice, and believe it or not, it was not while I was sleeping. It's while I was playing and getting a little too crazy on the bed!

Mommy and Daddy had to put me back in bed several times once it was time to go to sleep because I kept sitting up and playing, or just getting out of bed all together. Who knew you could have so much fun when it was still dark in the room?

Then the last straw was when I actually came OUT of my bedroom. Mommy said that was it, and she was going to come sit with me and pat my back until I fell asleep. At first I kept pushing her hand away because it was making me sleepy, but finally I gave in. I slept all night with no problems (and still with no pillow). And Mommy managed to keep herself in her own bed, even though she really wanted to come sleep on my floor and keep an eye on me!

Monday, June 9, 2008

A Chuluota Summer Day

Mommy wishes I could go outside and play more but the sun is just so hot. Still, she feels bad that I am cooped up inside all the time. So she put me in my swimsuit and my sunglasses (which I left on for several minutes--record time!)

Daddy found two baby pools in the shed and he filled them up so I could play. I had fun splashing in my little baby pool, and the water felt great.

Then I looked over and saw Mommy and Daddy in my other pool! I guess they were hot too! They didn't want any pictures taken of them, because they said it looked "redneck." But I convinced them to take one anyway!

Mommy said I must be getting to be more of a big girl, because I had more fun in their deep pool than in my little shallow one. So I played with Mommy and Daddy, bouncing and screaming, splashing and laughing! We had so much fun, right in our own backyard!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Square Peg in a Round Hole

Papa got me a great new huge fish balloon and I was having so much fun with it! Later in the day, Mommy set up my princess tunnel that Papa got me for Christmas, and I really wanted to play in that too. I only get to play with it every once in a while because it takes up a lot of room. I decided to let go of my balloon and crawl in and out of the tunnel a few times. But I just couldn't forget about that big sparkly fishy balloon, just floating there all by itself. So being the smart cookie that I am....

It really didn't work as well as I was hoping. It was worth a try though!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The Star of the Show

Mommy came to my school today to see my school's end of the year performance. She was very excited, but I was not in that great of a mood. I had to go to the pediatrician yesterday, and they gave me three shots in my thighs. It's been a long time since I've had that many shots, so I am feeling a little yucky today. But I seemed happy enough to go to school for a little while, so we went just for the show! Mommy took me to my classroom when we got there and I was very happy to see Miss Maria.

Mommy went to go find a front row seat. First there was a slideshow with pictures of a lot of the children at my school. Mommy said the Halloween picture of me was the best one, but my little boyfriend Christian's was a close second. Here is a video of part of the slideshow. You don't need to watch the whole video...Christian's picture is first (he's the lion), and mine is about 50 seconds in (I'm the ladybug). Be sure to listen to the audience's reaction to my picture. :)

Then it was time for the Creators--that's my class! I was by far the cutest one there, and Mommy said everyone else surely agreed.

It was a little hard for me to sit still while they were bringing all my classmates in. But then Miss Maria sat behind me, so I had to shape up!

Our class performed "The Wheels on the Bus."There's really only one student in my class that talks, so it was mainly the teachers singing. But they did a good job, and we all tried our best. It's one of my favorite songs. But I did get a little mad at the end when everyone clapped loudly. It made me nervous!

Mommy said she has a star in the making...we'll just have to hold the applause at the end of my shows!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Ansley!

Today I went to my friend Ansley's first birthday party. I really like going to her house because her mommy lets me blow bubbles on anything I want to and her daddy even thinks it's funny. They even clean the windows and tables BEFORE I get there, so I can have a fresh canvas to work with! Plus they gave me all the balloons I wanted, which Mommy never would have allowed. :o)

We had a lot of fun playing in the pool even though it was hot and sunny. It made me sneeze quite a few times. But then one of the other babies, Eliza, dunked my hat in the water and put it back on my head. So that cooled me off pretty quickly! Daddy set the umbrella up so we could be in the shade, and then I had a lot more fun. Ansley and her cousin Diego were playing in the pool with us too!

Ansley's birthday party theme was cupcakes, cupcakes, and more cupcakes! They were everywhere, even a ton of mini cupcakes on a table for kids to decorate themselves.

Of course, I had no interest in that. I was more interested in the zebra toy that we brought for Ansley but I was pretty sure it was mine. Apparently, mine was still at home! I was good and did not ride Ansley's until she tried to do it herself. She didn't really know what to do, so as soon as she moved, I crawled right over, climbed on, and started spinning around and around. And when Mommy said, "Emily--bouncy, bouncy!" I smiled and bounced up and down! Don't worry--I went right back to the balloons when I was done showing off what a big girl I am.

Ansley was very silly when she was eating her cupcake--at first she ate it without using her hands. I can understand because as a fellow princess, we do not like to get messy. But after a little while she dove right in.

Her mommy made the big cake look like a cupcake too. When they were posing for the family picture, they didn't notice that Ansley was digging her hand into the side of the cake. But oh well--it was her special day! And we all had fun!