Mommy went to go find a front row seat. First there was a slideshow with pictures of a lot of the children at my school. Mommy said the Halloween picture of me was the best one, but my little boyfriend Christian's was a close second. Here is a video of part of the slideshow. You don't need to watch the whole video...Christian's picture is first (he's the lion), and mine is about 50 seconds in (I'm the ladybug). Be sure to listen to the audience's reaction to my picture. :)
Then it was time for the Creators--that's my class! I was by far the cutest one there, and Mommy said everyone else surely agreed.

It was a little hard for me to sit still while they were bringing all my classmates in. But then Miss Maria sat behind me, so I had to shape up!

Our class performed "The Wheels on the Bus."There's really only one student in my class that talks, so it was mainly the teachers singing. But they did a good job, and we all tried our best. It's one of my favorite songs. But I did get a little mad at the end when everyone clapped loudly. It made me nervous!
Mommy said she has a star in the making...we'll just have to hold the applause at the end of my shows!
Okay... so the song in that slideshow is enough to make anyone cry! How beautiful! And you are correct, Emily was definitely the star of the show!
Good Job!
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