I played on the beach for a couple of hours and I was pretty happy. Not too grumpy like I usually am at the beach. I was covered in sand from head to toe, so Mommy had to keep taking me to the water to rinse me off. The little tiny fishies in the water kept nipping at my toes when I was playing!

We were just about ready to go back up to the room when everyone spotted this HUGE black shadow in the water. Lisa and Kyle were out there right next to it and at first they thought it was a whale. But it turns out it was 4 manatees swimming very closely to one another. We have never heard of seeing manatees at the beach! What a treat for all the visiting people who may not have even seen a beach before, much less a manatee up close! It was NOT a treat though for the poor lady who was relaxing in the water, completely unaware that there were 4 giant manatees swimming just inches from her. She freaked out, just a little. :o)
We finally came back up to the room and got cleaned off. I had a lot of fun pulling on the curtains, blowing bubbles on the window, checking myself out in the mirrored doors, and holding my face over the air conditioning! I got to stay up late and play but when Mommy and I finally went to bed at 10:30, I was sound asleep by 10:33. And, since I am getting too big for my travel crib, I got to sleep in the big king bed with Mommy. Don't worry, Mommy surrounded me with a million pillows so I wouldn't fall!

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