I am doing really well in my big girl bed. Mommy sometimes sits with me until I fall asleep, so that I stay in the bed. But usually that only takes a few minutes, because it feels good when she rubs my back. Mommy puts pillows on the floor so that I don't get hurt if I fall, but I was waking up still IN my bed every morning! On Monday, Mommy came in to wake me up for school, and I was very close to falling out...my little tush was hanging off the edge of the bed...

Then Tuesday morning, the next day, Mommy came in again to wake me up for school, and again she had to run for her camera...

Apparently, the pillows worked because I never woke up and Mommy never heard me roll out of bed! See, I knew I'd find a use for the silly pillow Mommy kept trying to make me use!
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