Then when it was all finished, I got to climb up on the bed all by myself. It was easy for me, and I did it like a pro!

I only fell off twice, and believe it or not, it was not while I was sleeping. It's while I was playing and getting a little too crazy on the bed!

Mommy and Daddy had to put me back in bed several times once it was time to go to sleep because I kept sitting up and playing, or just getting out of bed all together. Who knew you could have so much fun when it was still dark in the room?

Then the last straw was when I actually came OUT of my bedroom. Mommy said that was it, and she was going to come sit with me and pat my back until I fell asleep. At first I kept pushing her hand away because it was making me sleepy, but finally I gave in. I slept all night with no problems (and still with no pillow). And Mommy managed to keep herself in her own bed, even though she really wanted to come sleep on my floor and keep an eye on me!

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