Well today, I misjudged the distance to the chair before I dove for it. And I hit my chin on the hard wood floor. I was pretty upset and when Mommy tipped me back to cradle and rock me, she saw blood coming from my chin. It was a lot and then she saw it in my mouth too. Turns out I had bit my lip and split open the bottom of my chin. It was right on top of another little cut I had there, so we think that's how it split open so easily. Mommy and I were both in pajamas, having a lazy day before going to Aunt Jessica's surprise party. It sure got exciting quickly!
We called Papa and he came over super fast so he could drive me and Mommy to the urgent care center. But while we were on our way, Aunt Crystal called us and said she called the urgent care centers and they all said we would have to go to the ER, because an injury on the face would require stitches from a plastic surgeon. So we drove fast like lightning to the Pediatric Emergency Room in Arnold Palmer Hospital. Daddy closed up his shop early and met us there.

I was feeling pretty fine and the bleeding had stopped. But they took us back pretty quickly and had a nurse come in to look at me. She said she thought it might not need stitches, just some glue, but she'd have the doctor come in to look. Then we kept noticing nurses outside my door. One by one they were coming in and introducing themselves, and Mommy couldn't figure out why we had so many nurses. Turns out word was spreading that I was super cute, and they all had to come in and see for themselves! It was pretty funny! They even brought me a doctor kit to play with.

I tried to play rough with Papa, but he wouldn't let me because I couldn't have gotten hurt worse. We did have fun though!

Pretty soon a doctor came in, said I didn't need stitches (good thing, cause they would have sedated me), and then all the nurses came in to hold me down so that I could have my cut glued shut. It took four nurses plus Mommy and Daddy to hold down all 26 pounds of me! But we got to leave pretty quickly, and Mommy was happy with how quick we were in and out of the ER. Good thing too, because we had to hurry home and get ready to leave for Jessica's party! We were late, but so was she, so it all worked out fine!
Mommy says I was a wonderful little girl today and she doesn't know how I do it sometimes!
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