Pretty soon a doctor came in, said I didn't need stitches (good thing, cause they would have sedated me), and then all the nurses came in to hold me down so that I could have my cut glued shut. It took four nurses plus Mommy and Daddy to hold down all 26 pounds of me! But we got to leave pretty quickly, and Mommy was happy with how quick we were in and out of the ER. Good thing too, because we had to hurry home and get ready to leave for Jessica's party! We were late, but so was she, so it all worked out fine!
Mommy says I was a wonderful little girl today and she doesn't know how I do it sometimes!
We finally came back up to the room and got cleaned off. I had a lot of fun pulling on the curtains, blowing bubbles on the window, checking myself out in the mirrored doors, and holding my face over the air conditioning! I got to stay up late and play but when Mommy and I finally went to bed at 10:30, I was sound asleep by 10:33. And, since I am getting too big for my travel crib, I got to sleep in the big king bed with Mommy. Don't worry, Mommy surrounded me with a million pillows so I wouldn't fall!
And this is only the FRONT of the completely full carousels of food! And again, this is ONE WEEK of food! Oinky oinky!
Then Tuesday morning, the next day, Mommy came in again to wake me up for school, and again she had to run for her camera...
Apparently, the pillows worked because I never woke up and Mommy never heard me roll out of bed! See, I knew I'd find a use for the silly pillow Mommy kept trying to make me use!
It really didn't work as well as I was hoping. It was worth a try though!
We had a lot of fun playing in the pool even though it was hot and sunny. It made me sneeze quite a few times. But then one of the other babies, Eliza, dunked my hat in the water and put it back on my head. So that cooled me off pretty quickly! Daddy set the umbrella up so we could be in the shade, and then I had a lot more fun. Ansley and her cousin Diego were playing in the pool with us too!
Ansley's birthday party theme was cupcakes, cupcakes, and more cupcakes! They were everywhere, even a ton of mini cupcakes on a table for kids to decorate themselves.