Friday, July 25, 2008

Give a Little Whistle

My favorite thing that my Papa does is whistle to me. He's done it my whole life, and I stare very intently at him while he's whistling. Sometimes I put my hand in front of his mouth so I can feel the air coming out, and sometimes I even plug the whole with my finger. =) A couple of weeks ago, I started imitating Papa--putting my lips close together and blowing air out. And now this week.......I actually whistled!! I've done it four times this week, and it's just one short little whistle, but it's loud enough that Daddy heard me from several feet away when I was in the backyard.

Mommy hopes to get it on video soon, but that might be difficult. Stay tuned! =)


Grandma Lois said...

I heard last week about your new accomplishment and everyone is so proud of you. I couldn't whistle until I was 7 or 8 years old. It will be great to see a video so hope it will be possible. You will have to practice hard to be good like Papa is.

Aunt Cathy said...

great job; Emily. i never could whistle.