Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sunday Swim

Today I went swimming at my Papa's pool for the first time this summer. I wore my new bathing suit and my brand new pink Crocs.

Mommy held me while we played in the water, and it felt so warm! I wasn't as scared as I used to be in the pool, but I still held on to Mommy pretty tightly.

Then Mommy put me in my whale float, and I liked that a lot too! I got to kick my legs and spin around, and the tail gave me a little shade.

All the other summers I cried as soon as I saw the pool, but not this year! It was the opposite...I threw a big fit when it was time to get out of the pool! I even tried to bite Mommy since she wouldn't let me bite myself. Oh well, she's just doing her job. =) I was too...being a typical toddler!


Grandma Lois said...

I love your "whale" Emily. That's so perfect for the pool especially with the tail for shade. Sounds like you really love the water this year. That's wonderful.

Aunt Cathy said...

you look like you had fun. i know what you mean; i wouldn't have wanted to get out either.