Sunday, July 20, 2008

Playful Pictures

After my bath tonight, I was in a great mood and decided to be really silly with Mommy. So she took lots of pictures and here they all are!

Mommy said she doesn't remember telling me I could get so big. I said, when do I ever listen to her anyway?

On the move, walking from Mommy to my bed on the other side of the room.

Here's me trying to walk to back to Mommy, but I fell down.

So I decided to crawl the rest of the way, but I was on my hands and feet with my tush way up in the air! Did you know if you stick your tongue out, it's easier? =)

Here's me wrestling with my Mommy. It was lots of fun, but Mommy might have a few bruises tomorrow because I am pretty rough!

And here we are, still playing and having fun.

And here we are again, but this time I am saying, "No more pictures, please!"


Anonymous said...

I love the happy smiley pictures of Emmy and Mommy! So pretty! Can't wait to see you guys!

Grandma Lois said...

Gosh can't believe how much older you look Emily. Yet mommy stays the same. How's that work???