5. Can opener
4. Hand mixer
3. Hair dryer
2. Vacuum cleaner
1. Lawn mower
(Some where in there falls the completely silent flat iron that Mommy uses on her hair. It is next to the hair dryer on the counter though, so it seems like it would make noise. I consider it loud by association.)
My reaction depends on it's spot on the list. For the can opener, I just drop what I'm doing and nervously stare at it until it's done. For the hair dryer, I crawl as fast as I can out of the room, yelling "Ahhh! Ahhh! Ahhh!" And for the lawn mower, well, that wasn't pretty. Mommy and Daddy thought if they put me on Daddy's lap and I went for a ride, maybe I wouldn't be as scared of the noise. Daddy had bruises and bite marks as evidence that their theory was disproved! Of course, Mommy insisted on following us and taking pictures anyway!
It didn't take long before Daddy turned off the scary grass monster. We kissed and made up and then I was more than happy to pretend to drive it myself! When it was quiet, of course.
I LOVE these picture of Emily and Daddy! They are so sweet! What a beautiful little girl!
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