Sunday, January 6, 2008

Happy New Year!

Well, it's back to school with me tomorrow! I have had fun at home, but I do miss playing at school too. We have all enjoyed sleeping in these past few weeks, but now it's back to the old routine! Mommy has to warn my teachers that now I bite myself when I'm upset. Yep, right on the back of the hand. Don't ask me why I do it, I know it's crazy, but it makes me feel better for some reason. Mommy was so happy that I stopped banging my head or punching myself in the face so much, but now she's thinking be careful what you wish for. She said she should have known. I always just replace one behavior with another one. That's why she keeps telling my teachers to back off on trying to keep me from blowing bubbles on things. Because I might start doing something else in place of it, and you don't get to pick what it is!

I have an appointment for my follow-up sleep study next week, Thursday night. Mommy is not looking forward to it, but at least now she knows more what to expect. And she knows not to even try and sleep in the'll just pop her right back to sitting straight up every time she doses off! We already know that my O2 levels are better at night, because I was hospitalized (for like 8 whole hours) for that pneumonia in November. But it will be neat to get new numbers and recordings so that we can compare them to the last set. Oh, and I went to the pediatrician before Christmas for a check up. And remember that growth spurt Mommy heard about that some kids have after the tonsil/adenoid surgery? Well, I had one! In one month, I gained almost 3/4 of a pound and grew 1/2 an inch! That doesn't sound like a whole lot, but it often takes me almost a year to grow that much. Amazing!


Anonymous said...

Mommy is right (again). An old doctor told my mommy years ago to let me bite my nails or else I would take up a worse habit. Problem is I still do it. Oh well. Have fun back at school. Love you, Grandma