Two of the gifts Papa got me were a big hit too! One was a Disney Princess tunnel that I can crawl through. I love it! And the fabric makes good noises when I scratch it with my fingers. The other was a homemade present...Papa put two rolls of toilet paper on a clothes hanger, so now I can unroll every bit of it and it's all mine! I can't get in trouble for it like I do when I sneak into the potty room! Mommy hung it in my room but I haven't unrolled it all yet. Papa will be sure to get a clean-up phone call when I do! :o)

On a side note, I had an eye appointment on Thursday, and it took several people to hold me still while Dr. Blumenfeld looked in my eyes. I was running out of things to do to escape, so I blew as many raspberries as I could when the doctor was close to my face. He sat up, wiped his eyes, and said, "Well, that worked!" Mommy thinks I figured out that it worked too, because when Dr. Blumenfeld came back for a second look a few minutes later, I went right to the raspberry trick again! But he got a good look anyway, and he said I still have a slight astigmatism in both eyes, but it has not gotten any worse since he first told us about it a couple of years ago. And my eyes were not crossing, so the surgery was a success. I don't have to come back for six whole months!
And about my ear infection: Mommy knew I had one because my hair keeps getting stuck to the drainage on the outside of my ear. But believe it or not, that's a very good thing! I have had several ear infections since I got my ear tubes, but there was never any drainage. Never! And that is the whole point of the ear tubes. But now here we are, after geting a "real" set of ear tubes from our new ENT, and the first ear infection I have, ta da! There's drainage! That means they are doing their job and my ear infection has not been painful! Hooray!
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