Mommy is actually starting to look foward to this sleep study though so she can see just how much of an improvement there really is on this machine, if much at all. She wants the numbers so she can compare all of the tests! She kind of wishes that she would have made the appointment for the craniofacial surgeon for after we get the results, but we don't want to wait and wonder what he's going to say. Let's just get it over with!
So we go to see the craniofacial surgeon on Friday. Mommy says she'll at least let him do the consultation, but at some point she has to draw the line and keep me from being a guinea pig. The surgery outcome would be uncertain, and he's not going to be able to tell us just how much better I will be able to breathe at night because I am writing my own book! So if the 198 episodes only drops to 100, is it really worth surgery on my face?? I think not! From what Mommy has heard and read from the ENT and craniofacial websites is that there are many different things that could be done, like moving my bottom jaw to open up the airway, removing the uvula at the back of my throat, removing part of my palate, changing the shape of my nose...all of them are things that would change the way I look or who knows what other effects. We are not okay with that at all! On one website, the International Craniofacial Institute, they actually said children with genetic disorders benefit from this surgery by "looking better and breathing better." Can you believe they said that?! LOOKING better?? Obviously they don't know just how cute I am!
Anyway, on to the fun stuff! My Papa brought me a Get Well Soon balloon yesterday that is the BIGGEST balloon he has every brought me! It's huge and I love it! Last night it was in the dining room and when it touched one of the light bulbs in the chandelier, the light bulb exploded and shattered! Most balloons would have popped, but not this one! Here are some pictures and video of me with my new best friend!

Oh I love your balloon. Just don't know how you stay on the floor. I agree with mommy on the surgery. Afraid I would take a "wait and see period" too.
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