Saturday, August 11, 2007

Just Tummy Problems?

Okay, so some not so great news. By the way, if you are squeamish or poo stories gross you out, stop reading now! You have been warned! For the last three weeks, I have had diarrhea. Really gross, I know. It started on the same day Mommy gave me baby food plums for breakfast. So she thought that's what it was, and decided she was not going to do that again! Only it still hasn't stopped. And Mommy was waiting for it to pass, but after a few days, she thought it probably wasn't the plums. And I'm not sick, I'm not getting dehydrated and I have no fever. So that's good, but it's still really annoying. And even though Mommy changes me fast like lightning, I still got a bad diaper rash. So then not only was my bottom sore, but my hoo-hoo was too. Don't tell Daddy that I said that. :o) And I don't like when Mommy puts the medicine cream on me, so I squeeze together my legs and everything gets blocked from my thighs. I'm pretty strong too, so it takes a lot of work for Mommy to get the cream on me.

Anyway, Mommy called the doctor and they faxed orders for a bunch of tests that Mommy had to collect 6 poo samples for. It was pretty hard to do since my diaper was immediately soaking everything up! So Mommy had to put Saran wrap in my diaper so she could get to it before it was gone! Mommy got everything turned in last week. It took a few days to collect it all since it had to be done from different diapers at different times. And some of it had to be kept frozen. Like poop-sicles. :o) Mommy tried for a few days to get someone at the doctor's office to call her back, but the receptionist kept saying the nurse needed to discuss things with the doctor first. Mommy wanted to know what things!! She was getting really mad and she said to Daddy, "I bet if I bring her down there and let her poop all over THEIR carpet, they would move a little faster!" Cause that is happening here a lot! I got it all over the wood floor here like a big puddle, and then I tracked it through my bedroom. Ick! I have to get my clothes changed several times a day, and Mommy says she feels like she can't take me anywhere. Cause I always poo and it makes a big mess. Plus, it is kind of loud so people look at us funny. Last week after Mommy dropped off the poop-sicles, we had to go grocery shopping and I pooed in my last pair of extra clothes Mommy had. So I had to go grocery shopping with no pants on. But Mommy shrugged and said, "Eh, it's WalMart." And she calls me Poopy Pooperton now.

Mommy finally got a hold of the nurse this week, and I am not contagious! Woo hoo! All of the tests came back negative. Exciting at first, but obviously something is not right! But the nurse said my pancreatic enzyme levels were low, so she was calling in a medicine that I have to take with every meal. It's a total pain, Mommy said, but that's another story. Then the nurse said she was sending us to Arnold Palmer to get a sweat chloride test done. Mommy asked what it was and how it was done. The nurse said it measures the amount of salt in my sweat. We have to go to the hospital and they put like a band-aid thing on my arm, then we walk around for an hour while it absorbs my sweat. Then they take it off and we wait. Mommy told Daddy it is absolutely ridiculous that the doctor allowed her to collect several samples of poo, but she can't do the sweat band-aid at home. It is kind of funny.

Anyway, so Mommy asked the nurse why I needed this test done. And the nurse said, very laid back, "Oh, it's to test for cystic fibrosis." Like it was nothing! Like it's not a potentially fatal disease! Mommy is pretty confident that I don't have it, but you know she started reading the symptoms and information and it fits for me. But that's not saying much, cause we can probably make me fit for just about anything! So we go for the test on Thursday, and I don't know when we will find out. So Mommy says please keep us in your hearts this week, even though she knows we will be fine. And for now, I continue to poo on everything.


Grandma Lois said...

Miss Em, you sure didn't need this but thank goodness you have such a smart, loving mommy and daddy. They always know just what to do and take such good care of you. Thanks so much for keeping us all so informed. We love you all. Give Papa one of your big hugs, maybe leave out the slap if he's good. Otherwise give him 2 :o)Love grandma