Here is what happens when you get up at 4:30 in the morning on the first day of school and then play during naptime. You fall asleep on the living room floor at 7:15! But I had a good first day and I didn't even bat an eye when the new kids were crying and screaming for their mommies and daddies. I just played with Christian (a classmate from last year) and helped him pull all the toys off the bookshelves. We were like old pros at school! And Mommy came during lunch time, but she didn't have to feed me. I ate everything for Miss Lauren, and she wasn't even part of the feeding experience this summer. Miss Lauren wasn't wearing a glove on her right hand, but after I took a few bites, she clapped for me, and guess what?! There was still a glove on her left hand! I guess she thought it wouldn't matter, but I snapped my head up and gave her a look, and she said, "Oh, okay! Sorry, I'll take that one off too!" Mommy is coming back tomorrow, so we can get the eating thing down pat right at the beginning of the year. That way if she starts working soon, she won't have to worry so much about me not eating at school!
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