Today was the Meet the Teacher at my school. Mommy was not happy that I was moved up from the Creators room to the Navigators room. She didn't think it would be safe for me since I was the only one not walking or talking. The room was really big and the toys were for big kids. Mommy had a talk with the director and when the director tried to use fancy teaching words, Mommy used some right back. :o) Oops, wrong Mommy to do that to! The director feels that the old class is not challenging enough for me, but Mommy feels the new one is too challenging and I will be left behind. So long story short, I will be back on Monday with my same teachers (yay, I love Miss Maria) in my same classroom but with new classmates. Mommy says she hopes she made the right call, but she feels like it is worth the risk. And look how happy I am in the pictures!

Your mommy is so smart to insist that you would do best in the same classroom with Miss Maria. You made so much progress last school year! Besides, you're much too busy to have to bother training new teachers. ;o) Love, Grandma McNabb
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