But really, I promise, I really am sick. Wednesday night I woke up with a "honking" cough and sounding like I was gasping for air. Mommy and Daddy don't even remember how they got out of bed, across the house, and over my baby gate...but they did it with lightning speed! They'd never heard me breathe this way, not even when I've had pneumonia or bronchiolitis. In fact, Mommy almost called 911 except she could tell the sound was just that--a sound. I was taking deep breaths and I wasn't struggling to breathe. It just sounded horrible!
They did several breathing treatments and I fell back asleep for the rest of the night. The next morning, I still sounded the same way and still had a honking cough, but I wasn't acting sick at all. No fever, no stuffy nose or anything. Still, Mommy was worried because she's never heard me sound like this. I usually sound congested or wheezy. So Papa came right over, Mommy packed me breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner (we've got this emergency stuff down pat now), and we left for the pediatrician's office. As the morning went on, and as we waited in the office, I started sounding better and better. By the time the doctor came in to see me, I was going crazy laughing and yelling and playing with Papa. No one would even know I was sick!
The doctor listened to Mommy's description of my honking cough and my noisy breathing and diagnosed me with croup. It's a viral infection of the larynx (voice box) and trachea (windpipe). It's usually caused by allergies or an upper respitory infection. Most of the time, viral croup comes on gradually after a cold. But the most frightening kind is called spasmodic croup--it comes on suddenly and without warning. The episodes are usually just at night and can last for a few days. The doctor said there's not much that can be done to treat it, just relieve symptoms like using a vaporizer or sitting in a steamy shower. Sometimes driving around with the windows down in the cold air can help too, but Mommy said it's our luck that we'd wind up back in there with pneumonia!
The doctor prescribed a steroid for me to take, and Mommy is doing breathing treatments like crazy with my nebulizer. Good thing we already had that so we were able to use it right away that night! Fortunately, I did not have any episodes last night, and I sound a million times better today. What a way to get out of a sleep study! =)
being sick is no fun... says Ansley
Love you!
I am so glad you are sounding much better!! Although honky noises can be a little amusing when they aren't frightening at the same time! =)
What a way to get out of a sleep study!! I'll remember that. You're so lucky to have a smart family that all know just what to do and where to go. Aunt Vera and all her kids always had croup during the winter up north. Sounds almost like a Seal trying to converse. Love you,
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