Then I noticed that there was water on the other side of the boat, and I really wanted to splash it around. Daddy helped me carefully reach over the side so my fingers could touch!

Then we were off! I didn't like going fast at first, because I don't like the wind bothering my ears. But I quickly got used to it, and I had lots of fun! I even got to help Daddy drive the boat! And the wind was blowing my hair back and making it look so silly!

We took the boat all the way to Lake Monroe, and the lake was so smooth. It's a must faster trip now that Daddy has a bigger boat! We turned the motor off (after we started filming--oops!) and drifted around while I played.

The only times I started to get a little upset was when we were going fast and Mommy had to hold me in her lap. I wanted to get down and walk around, and watch the water splash up. Mommy and Daddy were laughing because the few times they've taken me out on the boat, I was throwing a fit either because of the noise, or the sun, or the life jacket. But this time it was none of those things! I just wanted to explore!

We stayed out on the boat for a couple of hours, and then we headed back to the dock. I was pretty mad when I realized that we had to get out of the boat. I was complaining and hitting Mommy the whole time she was taking off my life jacket and carrying me to the truck!

Mommy said although she wishes I would express my anger a little less aggressively, she was happy that I had such a good time! =)

Gee it looks like you all had such a lovely day. I'm so happy for all of you. It's good to go now. Might be a bit harder with a new baby but time goes so fast and won't be long before she will be having as much fun as you, Miss Em. Looks like you're going to be a really good sailor. Or is it Sailorette. :)
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