Monday, December 1, 2008

There's a Tree in My House!

I keep seeing these funny looking decorated trees at the store with Mommy. I almost knocked a whole display over at WalMart a few weeks ago. But now I don't have to go to the store to do it, because there's one in my house! We picked it out on Saturday and decorated it yesterday. I had lots of fun shaking the branches and making the little needles fall.
At first, I wasn't interested in the decorating. I just liked blowing bubbles on the storage bins, but the bubbles kept getting up my nose. So Mommy took the lid off, and I found even more fun stuff inside!

When Mommy and Daddy finished with the tree, it was all lit up and sparkly with ornaments dangling from the branches and a really comfy blanket underneath.

Then they spent the rest of the evening pulling me away from the tree and out from under the tree skirt!

Just wait until their backs are turned!


Lisa said...

that is SO pretty!!

Grandma Lois said...

That is such a beautiful tree Emily, please don't pull it over. I think if I were mommy and daddy I might have hung it from the ceiling this year. :) They are so brave and I know you will keep them plenty busy. Hope it's still there for Santa. Happy Holidays, love you