(I was laughing at Mickey Mouse Clubhouse on TV this morning).
My school has now decided that I have to wear a helmet if I want to keep coming there, because they want to prevent any "future trauma." My insurance doesn't pay for a helmet, so the school is letting me use one of theirs in the meantime. So it's a yucky boy color. Mommy promised me that when I get one of my own, we can get a prettier color. We brought the helmet home so Mommy could try it with me before they do it at school. I did pretty good with it on, but I don't like the chin strap. It's itchy.

It didn't take me long to figure out that if I bang my head with the helmet on, my head bounces a little. That was pretty funny, but still a little frustrating. Papa says it's like trying to sneeze when you can't! I also find it pretty funny to stick my finger in the vent holes. And this morning when I had it on, I was slapping myself in the head and laughing!

And I wore the helmet at school today, and my teacher said I didn't seem to mind it much. Luckily, tomorrow is my last day of school until the new year, so I won't have to wear it as much at home. It messes my pretty hair up!
oh, emily. You are still very pretty with that helmet on. I wish you didn;t have to wear it too though.
Love & hugs!
P.S. I almost had a heart attack when I saw the first picture of you b/c I thought your hair was all chopped off!!!!!!!!
I agree with Lisa, you're still just as pretty with the helmet. Like a "biker chick". Grandma used to be one of those. I know hard to believe isn't it? So glad you're trying and I know it's hard on mommy and daddy but one day at a time....
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