Mommy and I were both sick from the water that's been sitting under the house. We haven't been able to run our dehumidifier like we normally do because it puts out a lot of heat and we had no air conditioning. Our noses have been stuffy and running, and our eyes were red and puffy. But we are already feeling a little better today!
Last night, Daddy and Papa spent some more time pumping out more water from under the house, and then trying to pump the water out of the yard so it could flow down the street. While we were all out there working, Daddy noticed that there were two walking catfish about 8 inches long in the water in our yard! We couldn't believe it!
Daddy caught them in the net and put them up on the grass. They slithered back and forth like an eel and made their way back to the water. Mommy said it looked creepy and very strange! We took them down to the end of the road so they could live in the lake where the ducks are.