Saturday, Dec. 8:
Mommy was sick with food poisoning so Daddy took care of me all day. My clothes actually matched (sort of), and he even brushed my hair and put it in a pony tail...that is no minor accomplishment! Mommy said she was going crazy in the bedroom because I sounded like I was in such a good mood and she wanted to play with me, but she was just too tired. She felt better later and we got to play some before I went to bed. And good news for Mommy...I decided to stay in a great mood all week! Mommy thinks I'm sleeping better at night now and so I'm less irritable during the day. Most of the time.
Sunday, Dec. 9:
We got our pictures taken for Christmas, and I thought the snowman was the funniest darn thing ever! The picture that Mommy and Daddy chose to get was the one with my nice smile; the others were the crazy, squinty eyed, count all my teeth smiles! The snowman originally had a top hat on, but I kept biting it and then I threw it, so we just left it off. The pictures have been a big hit with everyone, and Mommy said she can't stop looking at it! Below is another picture, this one with snowflakes, that Mommy just got a small wallet size for her and Daddy. It's too cute too! Then we went to see Santa and I really wasn't impressed. I think I was tired of having my picture taken. So I just sat on his lap and stared at Mommy and Daddy like, "No more pictures, please!" I'm sure he'll bring me fun toys anyway.

I am showing new feelings about people I care about. When Mommy puts me in Daddy's truck and says good bye in the morning, she waves until we drive away. In the past, I never cared really. But now, I watch her the whole time we are backing out of the driveway. And then when I can't see her anymore, I get mad and throw my toy. Daddy says I calm down pretty quickly though. Then when he gets me to school, I hang on to his shirt collar and I don't want to let go. But he passes me to Miss Maria, and then I'm okay. When Mommy comes to pick me up, I am very excited to see her and I throw myself in her arms and hang on tight! It's like a hug, I guess! Mommy says it's nice to see that really care about people who are special to me. But don't think this means I don't like school. Because they said I have had great days since coming back after my surgery. I've been happy and silly! And I'm still that way at home! Mommy, Daddy, and I played together for a long time, over an hour, and I never got mad. Their batteries were wearing out, but not mine! I just kept going! Here is some video of me playing with Daddy.
Wednesday, 12/12:
I had a visit with my genetics doctor, Dr. Pollack. Not much to say about this appointment, other than she was really thrilled about how well I've been doing, and that I am like a different child since the last visit six months ago! She said again how I've just exceeded all of her expectations! Mommy likes to hear that, because we get tired of hearing and talking about delays all of the time. Let's talk about all of things I can do! My milestones may be more like inchstones, but I'm getting there!
Thursday, 12/13:
Santa Claus came to my school to visit today, but I was not in a great mood because the air conditioner was broken. It was sooo hot! So I just pulled his beard, and then when he was nice and gave me a book anyway, I blew bubbles on it and then I threw it! Mommy says I'm pushing my luck with Santa this year, and it's a good thing he loves me as much as she does! Well, almost as much! :o) I was so hot that during nap time, I crawled over to the cold tile floor and layed on it like a puppy dog. Finally, they fixed the air and I was much happier!
Friday, 12/14:
My first behavior therapy session in a loooong time. I almost got discharged, but then after my surgery, I regressed a little bit and started hitting myself and banging my head again. So we are going to keep working on that. But I'm only hurting myself 1/10th as frequently as I was when we first started behavior modification 6 months ago. That's a big step! Tonight we went to my Uncle Craig's 50th birthday party, and it was fun for me because it meant balloons! I fell asleep in my Pack and Play crib, and slept most of the time. It was nice for everyone else because it meant they got to stay late and have fun, dancing and singing karaoke.
Saturday, 12/15:

Gee what a busy time you've had with your family. We so enjoyed you at Uncle Craig's party. The light ball was lots of fun for you to look at and you were running a race with your neat little new walker. You go girl. Love Grandma
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