Monday, April 30, 2007

Still Fat and Happy

I had another doctor's appointment today. This time it was with the nutritionist and the gastroenterologist. I see them because I have a g-tube and it's hard for me to tell Mommy how much food I need to stay healthy. But she's not too shabby figuring it out. Anyway, they said the same thing they always say. "She's really tiny for her age. Her weight and height aren't even on the charts for a three year old." And then Mommy always says the same thing she always says. "Please check and see how her weight and height are in relation to each other." And so they did, and just like Mommy suspected, being 31 inches tall and 21 pounds is right at the 50th percentile. Sometimes I think Mommy should teach them a thing or two. It's okay though, because I grabbed the doctor's tie and blew spit bubbles on it. So there!


Rianne said...

Hey, I'm the same height and weight!?! How cool is that? Actually, Mommy just told me I'm 32 inches tall and 20 pounds...big deal. Can't wait to see you Em-me-lee.

XOXO Rianne