Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Lucky Number Seven?

I visited my least favorite doctor yesterday, the otolaryngologist...a fancy word for ENT. I can't tell you what Papa calls him--Mommy says I'm not allowed to talk like that. :o)

The doctor said my ear tubes have fallen out again, and the fluid is already building up in there. It doesn't cause me any pain or give me a fever, but supposedly it makes it harder for me to hear. Mommy says I hear what I want to anyway. Like Daddy!

Anyway, I will need another surgery to replace the ear tubes. For anyone keeping count, this is the fifth set of ear tubes and the SEVENTH surgery in my short three years. I've grown quite a Beanie Baby collection by now! I'm kind of an old pro at these surgeries. I won't have much pain afterwards. But the anesthesia is always the scary part. Usually I'm home by the early afternoon and ready to polish off a few jars of baby food! Mommy always has my favorite ready for me: Pineapple Glazed Ham, and Butterscotch Pudding for dessert. Yum!

My surgery is May 9th, probably super early in the morning. Keep me in your hearts!


Jessica said...

Yes! I am the first to post on my little Emmy's website! I love your "designer genes" my little pumpkin and will be thinking about you all morning the day of your surgery.
I love you!
Aunt Jessie

Alveretta said...

Thanks for sharing your blog.
We will keep you in our Prays.
Bob & Alveretta