We stuck around for the costume contest, but we think the judge, some young guy, really didn't have any idea just how cute we were, because neither of us won. We got ribbons for participating though, and I got lots of complements on my costume from the other Mommies that were there.

Then last night it was time to go Trick or Treating! Spike was a hot dog again this year, since everyone always loves it so much, but Mommy just had to get pictures of him in the collar that Alicia found!

It was very difficult to get both of us to pose for a picture! Finally I found a pine needle to play with and Spike found it pretty interesting too! =) Then Mommy and Daddy took me around the neighborhood to get some candy. Some people even gave out little treat bags for small kids like me, and it had Play-Doh and a rubber ducky in it! But I really liked the crinkly plastic bag it came in!

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