Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Too Many Paint Fumes

I was being absolutely crazy while Mommy and Daddy were painting the inside of the house! I was baby-gated in my bedroom so I could play safely away from the wet paint, and Mommy heard me making my loud yelling noise that means I'm doing something really funny (but it's usually something that I'm not supposed to be doing). So she came around the corner with the camera and this is what she saw!

Spike was not being crazy though...he was being very lazy while they painted!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Demolition Worker!

Again, another reason we don't need a boy in this house...because I am just as destructive!!!

P.S. I flip the zebra toy now too...just because I can!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Daddy's Fishing Buddy

Last night I proved to Daddy that he doesn't need to wish for a baby boy...I can be his little fishing buddy! I always watch him when he's messing with his fishing poles, because I like to spin the handles on the reels. But this time I decided to take off with one of the poles!

Daddy says if I'm a good girl (of course I am!), then maybe I'll get one my size for Christmas!

Friday, November 7, 2008

One Smart Cookie!

Under one of our tables, Mommy has magazines and catalogs in a bakset. We've been getting lots of Fisher Price toy catalogs lately with Christmas coming soon, so Mommy put them in the basket to keep for later. She started noticing that now when I pull the basket out to dump the magazines everywhere, I always find the toy catalog and look very intently at the pictures on the pages.

You know I have something off of almost every page?! And those are the pictures I stare at the most--the ones of the toys I already have. On this page I'm looking at the Learning Home that I got for Christmas two years ago.

A few days ago Mommy flipped the catalog to one of the last pages, so I could see the Bat and Wobble Penguin toy that I got for my birthday this year. She was shocked when I stared at it very intently, then looked around the room for MY penguin toy, then dropped the catalog to go play with it! Sometimes I even continue to stare at the picture while I play with the toy. Mommy said I am one smart cookie, and she's showing everybody that comes over! Her favorite part is how my head whips around to find the toy after seeing it in the catalog!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can!

Mommy kept me home from school today because she and Daddy stayed up very late watching the election results. They were tired this morning but it was worth it! Mommy said it is a historic day in America and she feels so passionate about it that she wanted to say something...so I let her use my blog. =)

"This is my third time voting for a president of the United States, and I have to say this is the FIRST time that I was voting FOR a candidate instead of against one. It was exciting and refreshing to see so many new people, young and old, voting for the first time in their lives. I do not expect any president to fix the mess that has been inherited, but certainly I can't deny the feeling of hope inside my heart today.

I have to admit that I am most excited about that fact that America has elected an African American president for the first time. As children of this generation, we were told that anyone, no matter gender or color, could be president. Thanks to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and Sarah Palin, this statement became real. And last night, it became a fact. No matter who you voted for, this is undeniably a big deal. I was never sure I would see this in my lifetime...hopeful of course, but never confident. To see it when I'm only in my 20's is almost overwhelming. To know that my new baby will begin it's life while we are in the process of making history with the first black president makes me proud to bring another child into this world.

I have never been inspired by a president's acceptance speech, or many other speeches for that matter. But last night, amidst my tears and smiles and goosebumps, I watched the new First Family walk out on the stage and felt such joy. And I listened to Obama's acceptance speech and felt not only inspired, but uplifted and proud. Proud to be an American, and proud that our country has come so far in just a few short decades. I am sad at the same time at the passing of Amendment 2 in Florida, Prop 102 in Arizona, and Prop 8 in California. It's a reminder to me that we still have a long way to go towards equality for all Americans, equality for disabled Americans, Americans of color, and gay Americans. But last night was a step in the right direction...it feels like anything is now possible."

Here was Mommy's favorite part of Obama's speech last night:

If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around schools and churches in numbers this nation has never seen, by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different, that their voices could be that difference.

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Democrat and Republican, black, white, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled. Americans who sent a message to the world that we have never been just a collection of individuals or a collection of red states and blue states.

We are, and always will be, the United States of America.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Like, Totally Rad!

Mommy, Daddy, and Aunt Tracie went to a Halloween party Saturday night and they looked so funny when they left! Mommy said they had to dress that way because it was an 80s costume party. I kept staring at her bright pink nails, and I thought her bangle bracelets were pretty neat too!

Mommy found their clothes at thrift stores, so it didn't cost too much money to go all out! Good thing the clothes were cheap, because Mommy bought them three weeks ago, and her skirt didn't fit over her belly anymore! She had to cut the entire top half off of the skirt so she could wear it under her belly! Mommy said even though they all felt silly, she secretly had fun wearing the crazy clothes and makeup again!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Teenie Weenie Halloweenie

Mommy and I went with Alicia and Ansley to Teenie Weenie Halloweenie at the park in Oviedo. It's a Halloween celebration only for kids under 5 (and their parents too). We just kind of walked around and looked at all the costumes, because Ansley and I really didn't care about any of the games. We were by far the cutest ones there!

We stuck around for the costume contest, but we think the judge, some young guy, really didn't have any idea just how cute we were, because neither of us won. We got ribbons for participating though, and I got lots of complements on my costume from the other Mommies that were there.

Then last night it was time to go Trick or Treating! Spike was a hot dog again this year, since everyone always loves it so much, but Mommy just had to get pictures of him in the collar that Alicia found!

It was very difficult to get both of us to pose for a picture! Finally I found a pine needle to play with and Spike found it pretty interesting too! =) Then Mommy and Daddy took me around the neighborhood to get some candy. Some people even gave out little treat bags for small kids like me, and it had Play-Doh and a rubber ducky in it! But I really liked the crinkly plastic bag it came in!

I had fun trick or treating, but I did fuss a little bit at every house we went to. I just couldn't figure out why we weren't going inside! Every time someone opened the door, I would throw myself forward over and over to get my stroller to move, but then Mommy would say "Thank you!" and the door would close! Then I'd get mad all over again. Mommy says I probably thought she was lost, because it took a couple of hours before we finally found our home again! =)