Part of the class was singing and clapping, and I didn't enjoy that too much. I didn't understand why we were wasting time sitting in a circle when there was so much to do! I kept standing up and walking away, and Mommy had to chase after me and bring me back. Finally it was time to play again, and it was the best part. The coaches hung rings from the ceiling, and we got to play with them! I loved it, and I was yelling and laughing. I walked around and around, and then I would let go and keep on walking! I thought it was VERY funny when the rings were swinging and they'd come back and bonk me in the head. I cracked up laughing every time.

We did tumbling on a mat, and I didn't quite see the point in that, really. But I got to swing hanging on to a rope, and that was a lot of fun. We were only supposed to get in line one or two times, but I took it upon myself to walk back to the coach when Mommy wasn't looking. =) There was also time for the parents to sit back so the kids could play with just the teachers and other children. "Separation" they called it. Mommy didn't think I'd care at all, so she wasn't worried. But then everytime I'd spot her looking at me, I'd stand up and walk all the way over to her with a big smile! Then she'd turn me around and send me right back.

During the separation play, the coaches brought out lots of fun little toys to play with. They had a set of soft blocks that I got for Christmas at home. Remember that video from a long time ago when I was crawling with my favorite red curved block sticking out of my mouth? I went right to it today too! =)

Oh Emily that is the neatest place of all. You look so great. Such a grown up girl. It really makes me happy to see you having such a good time and it looks like all the other kids are having so much fun too. That's the greatest for you to go and play with all the other kids and make so many new friends. I know they all love you.
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