Friday, May 30, 2008
Tupperware Party!

Monday, May 26, 2008
River Rugrat

But then some boats came by. And they weren't regular boats like Daddy's. They were big noisy airboats. And now we know that #1 on my scary noise list is actually airboats, NOT the lawn mower! Fortunately they go by quickly, so I was only upset for a few seconds at a time. When I was playing in the water and I heard an airboat coming down the river, Daddy had to quickly come to my rescue.
I definitely had an exciting weekend full of new things! Mommy is very proud of me for all the bravery I've shown in the last few days. I tried to tell her, I'm a pretty tough cookie.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
One Last Try

Thursday, May 22, 2008
Blue Baby Face

...and then Mommy has to take my balloon away and throw it in the trash. She doesn't let me watch when she does this, because it makes me sad and angry! Mommy says it a real pain to get the blue stuff out of my shirt, but fortunately it just wipes right off my face. But lucky me, since everyone loves to see me happy, I still keep getting balloons!! :o)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
I Won the Pillow Fight!

Friday, May 16, 2008
Did You Miss Me?
Last Friday I was home having a lazy day with Mommy. I'm really not sure why I had to get dressed when Mommy stayed in her jammies for half of the day...but I was lazy just the same. Mommy fed me lunch and I was such a piggy. My belly was so full that I just sat back on the couch to watch Elmo and Cookie Monster on the TV. Look how round my tummy looks!
All that food and milk made me a little sleepy and I dozed off right where Mommy left me. Ahhh, fat and happy!
Of course, once she moved me to my crib, I had a second burst of energy and stayed up playing hard the rest of the day!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Noise Maker
Here is some video of me making my new noise. I was doing it very slowly at the beginning of the day, but I got super fast by the end! Pay no attention to the part in the video where I was trying to kick my mommy. She's already forgiven me. :o)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
It Wasn't Supposed To Be A Day All For Me...
Jackson also had a bouncing zebra toy that Mommy had thought about buying for me in the past, but she never did because it was $50. But I had a LOT of fun playing on it, and I could even get on and off by myself. Then Jackson's mommy said she got it on clearance at Target. So right after the party, Mommy and Daddy took me to Target and it was marked down to $30. So now I have a brand new toy! And it wasn't even MY birthday!!
Jackson's mommy is an animal lover and they even have a pet tortoise named Franklin. He lives in their backyard and although he wasn't quite as exciting as my puppy Spike, he was useful for something! How many people can say they've ridden a turtle?!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Is the Pillow Fight Over?