I finally figured out what this silly giraffe toy was for! Mommy and Daddy gave it to me for my very first birthday. It came with five see-through blocks, which I love to blow bubbles on, but I never could figure out what the giraffe was for. All these years Mommy has been showing me over and over that if I put a block in the top, it tumbles down and comes out the bottom. Really, I always thought to myself, what is the point of that? Why would I give up the block for a few seconds just to watch it fall?
Early yesterday morning before school, Mommy tried to show me for the 500th time in three years how to do it. And this time, I decided it might be fun. So I took the block and I did it!! Two times in a row! But I stopped, because Mommy was clapping and cheering each time, and I really didn't think all that fuss was necessary. Then this morning, Mommy put the giraffe and block in front of me, but she didn't do anything with them. She watched to see if I could figure it out on my own. So this time, I showed HER how it works! And you know what? It actually WAS kind of fun!
Now if I can only figure out what the block does while its in there...

Really beautiful picture of you Emily. You look like you are such a grown up little girl. So hard for grandma's to believe how much you've matured. Love you,
Emily, you'll have to correct grandma's last e-mail. Take out the apostrophe in grandmas. Blame it on my age. I know a 4 year old would know better....
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