Monday:My Grandma Candy had her brain surgery and did fantastic! So I heard...Papa took care of me in the morning, drove me to school, drove to the hospital, waited until Grandma Candy was out of surgery successfully, then drove back to school and took me home. He stayed with me until Mommy and Daddy came home. Phew! Anyway, Mommy said the waiting room was packed full of people who love Grandma Candy and were there to support her and Grandpa Chuck. At first, Grandma Candy wasn't going to tell anyone she was going to have surgery. She didn't want it to be "a big deal." But she looked very happy to know that so many people were thinking of her while she was getting her"golf ball" removed. Those are her words, not mine! :o)
Oh, and my walker came today! I am zooming all around with it! And I like to sit down next to it, grab it at the bottom, and flip it over with a loud bang. Just because I can.
Tuesday:Mommy kept me home from school, and Papa came with us to the ENT appointment. They tested my hearing like they always do when I have tubes placed, but we actually got an answer this time instead of "She was uncooperative." Don't worry, I was still uncooperative this time. But this audiologist was better than the others. She said that I have the mildest of mild hearing loss, and she doesn't even want to call it that. She'd rather say, "Emily doesn't have perfect hearing." Sounds better to me! Then the ENT said everything looked good and I don't have to come back for six whole months! Mommy mentioned to her that ever since my surgery, some baby food is coming out of my nose while I eat. She said it's not harmful as long as it's just a small amount, it will just take time for me to learn how to swallow with an open airway now! It is weird though...banana pudding, yellow snot; smashed peas, green snot; blue raspberry yogurt...well, you get the idea! Oh, and Mommy told her that I have been having some bloody snot, which is usually a precursor to the nosebleed season. Darn it.
Then we went to the hospital to visit Grandma Candy. I stayed in the waiting area with Aunt Suzi (Grandpa Chuck's sister) while Papa and Mommy visited in Neuro ICU. She looked fantastic! And it doesn't look like they really had to shave her head either. She has already noticed a vast improvement in her vision. She said she feels great and is supposed to be moved out of ICU soon.
Wednesday:I went to school today and had a great, fun day! Mommy came and picked me up and my teachers had taken great care to keep me clean because they said I looked so pretty today. Which of course, I did. But then on the way home, I got a horrible nosebleed. Mommy had to pull over on the side of a busy road for 15 minutes. The blood was going back into my throat some because I was on an incline in my car seat, but Mommy was afraid to take me out in case a car ran into us. Finally, my nose stopped bleeding, and we drove the rest of the way home. It was not fun! There was blood on Mommy's arm and face, and all over me and my "clean & pretty" clothes. I guess it's just that time of year again! But I'm better now and I have been playing all afternoon! Daddy is visiting Grandma Candy, who is no longer in ICU and should go home first thing tomorrow morning! Great job, Grandma! We are all so proud of you!