Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

I wore my ladybug costume from last year to school for Halloween so that my new costume wouldn't get messed up before trick-or-treating. It was a big hit! I have to say, I think it looked even better on me this year! Mommy said it will be fun to compare last year's pictures with this year to see how different I look in the costume. (Mommy is having problems posting pictures on this website, so the ladybug picture is coming eventually!).

Later, my family came over and I had a fun night! Rianne was being a typical two year old and wouldn't wear her costume. Mary some how bribed her to put it on for a picture, but other than that short amount of time, she just kept saying "No like it!" So, I wore my costume and Rianne said "Trick or treat!" and "Thank you!" It was a nice compromise--we work well together! Everyone thought the pumpkin Mommy and Daddy carved was pretty funny. And of course, Spike as a hot dog always attracts plenty of attention! (Again, picture to soon follow!)

Then today we went to my pre-admission testing for my surgery on Monday. They took all my vitals and then they had to swab my nose to check for an infection called mersa. They check everyone for it to keep it from spreading. It's supposed to be a simple nasal swab, but of course with me, it started a nosebleed! Then Mommy found out what time my surgery is--1:15 in the afternoon. She was not happy, because that means I can't have any food after 5 am. It's much easier to go without food for several hours when the surgery is first thing in the morning! Actually, she was so frustrated that she cried and the nurse looked like she really didn't know what to do. The surgery scheduler is on vacation, so Mommy can't ask her what happened to me being the second one in line. They schedule based on age, so that the big kids go later. But I am not the size of your typical almost 4 year old! They should schedule based on size, not age! Anyway, Mommy tried her best to change it, but it looks like it's going to stick. Monday is definitely going to be a long day!


Jessica said...

Let me know if you want company, or if you would rather the room stay clear of people. I can always come after work or on the weekend. I'll be sending a big baloon to the room, i figured flowers would be no good. :)I'll have my phone right next to me all day and will be checking in. Give her lots of kisses for me!
Aunt Jessie