Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Doctor Days

So here is how my 5 doctor's appointments went this week. Oh yeah, and a behavior therapy evaluation too.

1. Dr. Pollack, Genetics: I just visit her every six months so she can keep a running record of my life. Mommy says we go there so that if some other mom says, "My kid has 2q what?!" they will not be flying blind like we do. They'll have notes from me! Anyway, Dr. Pollack was happy with me but wants Mommy to not let me play with balloons at home because it is a self-absorbed behavior. Mommy says anyone else with young children doesn't call it self-absorbed. They called it entertaining yourself, and they are jealous that their babies don't do the same thing! Also, she fussed at Mommy again for not teaching me baby sign language. Mommy says it's a little discouraging because I refuse to even wave bye bye, and we've been doing that "sign" for over three years. Secretly, I can sign in complete sentences, I am just choosing not to share that information with them just yet. :o) Mommy says next time she goes to see Dr. Pollack, she wants to wear a shirt that says, "I'm doing the best I can."

2. Audiology: Once again, I did not pass the hearing test, but I didn't fail either. They checked the box that says uncooperative. They should have a default form for me that has that box checked! I just have no interest in turning to look at a speaker box when it calls my name over and over. I looked a couple of times, but no one was there, so I got bored and spit on Mommy's arm instead. Mommy is not concerned about my hearing abilities, other than it's selective. But that runs in the family.

3. Dr. Moser, ENT: This is the doctor Papa doesn't like, because he yelled at Mommy when she went for a second opinion about my nosebleeds. But he's the only pediatric ENT that I can see, so we just deal with it. He's not too bad, but that day is always in the back of Mommy's mind. Anyway, he said my tubes are still in and come back in 3 months. Usually by then, the tubes are out again.

4. Dr. Livingston, Pulmonology: I see him every six months for my allergies and breathing difficulties. But it's a really easy appointment. He gave Mommy my prescriptions and we were out the door in just minutes!

5. Dr. Galey, Pediatrician: Just a regular checkup, but also a follow up to my ear infection a few weeks ago. He was wearing a stethoscope around his neck, and I know that means he's a doctor. So as soon as he walked in the door, I started pretend crying and yelled, "All done! All done!" He didn't leave though. Oh well. He was very happy with the progress I've been making in therapy, and I liked him because he didn't take my balloon away while he was looking at me. He didn't even make me get out of my stroller, my personal space. I had to get a booster shot for the Hepatitis A vaccine, but it wasn't too bad. I cried for a second, then Mommy handed me my balloon, I yelled, "All done!" and then we left.

6. Andrea, Behavior Therapist: She thinks she can really help me but said it will be a slow process. She has no idea. :o) She and Mommy decided we would work on self-injury, aggression, and food refusal. Should be interesting!