Mommy and Daddy held me down and put ice on it for almost 30 minutes. It took the swelling down quite a bit (to the size of some of my other bad bumps), and Mommy made sure my pupils were the right size. I was acting happy and playful, not lethargic or getting sick, and so Mommy and Daddy decided not to take me to the ER.
Mommy got up a few times during the night and moved me around and stuff to make sure I was easily woken up. She didn't want to wake me up all the way, but when she kissed my cheek I swatted at her, so she figured I was doing good!
Tuesday morning I just had some bruising, but the majority of the swelling was gone. I got to go to school, and my teachers said I had a wonderful day and that I seemed much less agitated with my cool new helmet. Then yesterday morning, while we were getting ready for school, Mommy noticed that my eyelids on the right eye looked dark reddish. She thought maybe I had bumped my eye during the night, or maybe it was from the awful allergies.
Then when she picked me up from school in the afternoon, it had turned into a black eye! It was also in the corner of the left eye. Turns out it's from my head "bump" on Monday. My head looks way better besides the bruised vein and other bruises, but now I have two black eyes! But go figure, I had another fantastic day at school, and I had a good afternoon and evening at home! Here's me playing in the bathtub, and you can see my black eyes. And P.S., the water is yellow because Mommy puts color tablets in my bath, not because I pee-peed in it. Although you wouldn't know if I did. =)

Mommy spoke to my genetics doctor about the increase in my self-injury behavior. We are still trying to get behavior therapy started, but it's been very difficult finding a company that takes my insurance AND has a therapist available. Mommy and Daddy have been talking for several weeks about looking into some medication to help with my self-injury. She mentioned it to Dr. Pollack, who agreed that it looks like it would be a good idea in conjunction with therapy. She gave us the name of a doctor we can go see, and Mommy is going to schedule the appointment.
Mommy said it's been a very hard decision to try medication, but she keeps reminding herself that it's not permanent--if we don't like the medication or it's not helping, we can stop at any time. And out of all the things I have taken medicine for, asthma, allergies, pancreatic enzymes, constipation, diarrhea, lazy eye...the self injury behavior poses the most danger to me and if it can be decreased with medication, then we should certainly try it! Dr. Pollack also wants me to get an MRI just to make sure nothing is going on in my head that has increased my head banging. She said it's not an emergency, she just wants to make sure. Mommy already called and scheduled the MRI for the first available appointment, May 11th. I'm also on a waiting list for any cancellations that might open up a sooner appointment.